Saturday academy
- What
- Saturday academy
- When
- 12/3/2022, 8:30 AM – 12:30 PM
December Sat. Academy--> SIGN UP!
We will have TWO opportunities in December for students who have been absent, to clear their absences from the record. This first one is this Saturday Dec. 3 and the other is next Saturday Dec. 10.If you plan on your student attending this week's Saturday Academy and/or next week's, please sign up now!
Who: Students who have missed a day of school and have absences on record
What: Saturday Academy- fun hands-on learning experiences such as art, crafts, gardening, science/STEM and more!
When: Sat. Dec. 3 and Dec. 10 @ 8:30-12:30 (drop off begins at 8:15 in the cafeteria)
Where: Marina Vista Elementary Arts Academy (drop off in cafeteria and pick up in the garden)
Sign up link below.