When students are absent from school, they are missing valuable instructional experiences and lessons that often cannot be made up. When children are out due to illness that can’t be helped and is an excused absence. Some absences can be avoided like doctor and dental appointments. Many doctors understand the importance of students not being disrupted from their class lessons and will make appointments after school. Generally, if possible, after lunch appointments are less harmful than morning appointments since many of the main subjects are taught in the morning.
To make up absences, your child can attend Saturday Academy. If you have any questions, please call 831-392-3580.
Truancy Abatement Program
Compulsory School Attendance Law:
Each person between the ages of 6 and 18 years not subject to compulsory full-time education.
The Monterey County District Attorney's Office Truancy Abatement Program has one focus: the reduction and eventual elimination of truancy in Monterey County.
The Truancy Abatement Unit works closely with schools and families to bring about compliance with mandatory school attendance laws. Parents and students are expected to do their part in cooperating to resolve issues related to truancy. In most cases, a successful outcome will be demonstrated by voluntary compliance with the compulsory school attendance laws. However, in cases that do not result in satisfactory school attendance, criminal charges are filed against the minor and/or the minor's parents or guardians. At all times, the goal is to ensure that all students receive the education they so greatly need to develop into responsible, productive adults.
If you have any questions regarding the Truancy Abatement Program, please contact your school office for more information. We are looking forward to making a positive difference for the children of Monterey County.
With the explosion in technological advancement that began many years ago and that continues to grow on a daily basis, children worldwide are being victimized. The medium through which this victimization is being facilitated is one that has become an indispensable part of our daily lives – the internet. There are few people, ranging from preschoolers to senior citizens, who do not interact with computers and the internet on a regular basis. It is this explosion in technology that connects us to our neighbors and to every corner of the world. It has also provided those individuals with criminal tendencies the opportunity to easily enter our homes for the purpose of preying on our most vulnerable population, our children. Despite adult supervision, children continue to be harmed by individuals who are determined and well versed in how to approach them in a non-threatening manner to convince these potential victims to willingly interact with them.
For more information, please visit the NETSMARTZ website at:
If you have any questions please contact:
Ms. Allie Ceralde
Attendance clerk
831-392-3580 #3327