Early Dismissal
Students are not to leave school during school hours without permission from the office. Parents must check with office personnel for procedures to take a student out of school before the scheduled dismissal time. Any adult, parent, baby-sitter, or relative must come to the office to begin the process for early dismissal. This also pertains to adults who may personally know the teacher, teacher aides, etc. Established procedures must be followed by all, without exception! Parents calling the office early in the morning to alert staff would be very helpful.
Only authorized adults will be allowed to pick up a child from school. Authorized adults are defined as persons to whom the custodial parents have given school personnel permission to release their children. Only those persons the parent/guardian has listed in the records are considered “authorized.” This also includes relatives, aunts, uncles, friends, grandparents, etc. If they have not been listed as having permission to pick up the child, school personnel will not be able to release the children to them. When parents wish to have someone other than those listed in the records pick up their children, it is the custodial parent’s responsibility to notify the office of the changes.